1. We had our FIRST family vacation. We went to Palm Springs for Spring Break. We partied with the Johnsons, swam at the pool, went to the zoo, and even got to go shopping (golfing for Ty)!
2. Ty built his FIRST shed. It is to store all of the stuff our kids are so quickly growing out of. Of course it will store other stuff as well.
3. Emree spent her FIRST night in her big girl bed. There was only 20 minutes of crying and the best part is she seems to think she can't get off it with out my help, YEAH!
4. Jesse had his FIRST round of immunizations. He is 15 pounds and 9 ounces. I am not sure what his height was exactly, but he was way above 100 percentile for height and weight and his poor little head was in the 50th percentile. Emree was in the 95th for height and 80th for weight.
5. That is not the FIRST time I have had to do a quick blog catch up and I am sure it won't be the last.