Our house has two bathrooms. This morning I was applying my make-up, bouncing Jesse with my foot on "his" pink bouncer (the battery is dead) and Emree was unrolling the toilet paper. After it was all unrolled, she looked up at me with her big blue eyes and said, "Mom, Be right back. Otay?" She ran out of the room and I knew that meant trouble, but I continued getting ready.
Five minutes passed and I wondered what had happened to Emree. I searched the house and found her in the kitchen holding her toothbrush and my tooth paste. She looked up at me again and this time said, "Mom, It's not working!"
Those are her two favorite phrases these days. They make me laugh in every context. And so today I am grateful for empty toothpaste.
Whew. You missed the bullet. Don't you love it when you think your bad habit is actually a good one?
Dora covered herself in toothpaste last weekend at Haven's house when she was supposed to be taking a nap. You did dodge the bullet!
Oh my, thank goodness for that habit! Too funny!
HaHa I love this. Last month trey found the sunscreen and covered himself and part of our couch in it. He also likes to unroll the toilet paper but I have started making him pay me back for it from his piggy bank so hopefully it will happen less often :) When is school done this semester for Tyler?
Cute story. I'm glad that one crisis was averted. We miss you guys already. When do you get back?
So cute, and inspiring too. ;D
Whaaaaat? Your sister is getting married? I thought she was still in Moses Lake? How did she meet him? How fun :) We aren't going to CA until the last weeks in August probably.
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