Four Years ago I married the man of my dreams. Every day is not a fairy tale, but we are living happily ever after. We often look back at that time when we met each other as the best days of our lives. I think it was/is so magical because you meet someone and you both love each other so much that you want to spend eternity together. You can not imagine one moment in your life with out that person by your side. Then you get married and we chuckle because sometimes you feel stuck with them. As the Huey Lewis song proclaims, Ty-"I'm happy to be stuck with you". Four years ago he swept me off my feet and yesterday I was super grateful he swept the floor! Four years ago he was my knight in shining armor and this whole week I am thankful he stayed up at night with Emree. Four years ago I was so excited to fall asleep every night in his arms and now we are still excited for that because our baby is the worst sleeper ever :). Not much has changed and yet so much has. I love him more at this very moment then I did yesterday and so much more than I could have imagined loving him four year ago! Happy Anniversary to the best friend a girl could ever ask for. I love you.
Happy Anniversary! I love you both. Also, I can't believe it's been nearly 4 years since Africa! So crazy.
Happy anniversary Danielle and Tyler!! And many more happy years to come!
That was so cute and well written. Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to an amazing couple!
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