Have you ever had a baby that was a TERRIBLE no good very bad sleeper? Well, I do. Nine months later he has slept through the night two night in a row. His first two nights EVER. So, here is to saying Goodbye. Adios to a year or more of not sleeping. Of getting up to go to the bathroom, get a drink, turn on the air, feed the baby, rock the baby, change the baby and everything else in between. I will do all of those things all day long, but no longer at night. For now, I will sleep and enjoy every last "Z" I catch.
my kids are horrible sleepers too. cambree was three before she slept through the night and bridger was 18 monhts. but oh boy is it wonderful when you get full nights sleep again! I hope it stays!
Don't you know when those terrible sleepers finally sleep, you can't talk about it or you will jinx it and the next thing you know you are up more than you were before? Well I really hope that doesn't happen to you.
Congrats!!! Haha. It is always easier to parent and raise a child when you get all the Z's you need. More Z's = more patience!
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