The first two pictures are of Emree and Dad going out to do some last minute Christmas Eve shopping. I love the scowl Emree does. She gives us this look multiple times a day!
We made sugar cookies for Santa! Now I know why my mom hates making sugar cookies! They are such a mess. Emree loved, loved, loved making them and I was a GRINCH and hated cleaning it all up.

Christmas morning was so fun! She had to play with every present before we could even get her to think about opening the next one. We have also loved watching her play with her kitchen every day since Christmas. We spend a few hours pretending to make cookies and drink juice. She seriously loves it. I wasn't sure she was quite old enough to get the 'pretend' thing, but I was wrong.
Lastly, We filled the rest of our Christmas Day with doing puzzles (a family tradition) and making gingerbread houses. I also want to throw a quick shout out to my amazing husband. Who, without telling me, filled our stockings and really completed our Christmas. We really didn't give each other much, but I have never felt more loved and that meant the world.
Merry Christmas!
That is the cutest kitchen I've ever seen! Good luck with your delivery!
Get that baby out! Get it out, get it out, GET IT OUT!!! :) I only say this because if I were at your point that's what I'd be saying.
Your christmas looks like fun! I'm like you, I was a little worried about ours because we stayed here too, but it was great and peaceful. Merry Christmas girl.
Good luck with that baby!!!!!
looks like so much fun! emree's scowl is awesome haha! sorry you're still pregnant hopefully soon can't wait to see him! also where did you get the food for your kitchen?
Sad - baby hasn't come out yet. Bun, you are officially done. Time to make an appearance
Happy - It gave you enough time to blog! Yay first Christmas at home! Did it make you feel old? Totally made me feel old...
Emree is adorable. She is turning into such a girl instead of a baby. If we had room for a Kitchen Trey would have had one for sure! He seriously loves those things. It seems like it would be more of a girl toy but it keeps him busy so I don't care. Maybe next year, if he still likes it :) We're thinking of you guys and that new baby. Love ya!
I loved your Christmas pictures, and I love, love, love the scowl on Emree's face! May she only use this when she's a toddler and grow out of it as a teenager. ;)
Good luck with that baby! I just heard that you made an appointment for next week! Argh!!! That is just not right. Bright side, it really can't last forever. It has to be born at some point!!
Danielle, first of all LOVED your Christmas card, so clever and way cute. Emree had quite the Christmas! So fun, all that play food and kitchen stuff...loved the pink kitchen too...she and hattie would have so much fun "cooking" together. She's getting cuter and cuter. I'm glad you guys were able to have a great time with just the 3 (well 4:)) of you. You look great and I can't wait to hear about your new one! You are so good to still make sugar cookies and carry on traditions. Take care and good luck!
I love those pictures of Emree and Ty at the top! Hope that baby boy comes soon!
Good luck Danielle! I agree, making cookies with a two year old is certainly a sign of a mother's love. Good for you.
I'm glad you had a nice, quiet Christmas at home. I think Jonah is going to love Emree's new kitchen too! :)
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