I don't know why I was so impatient for this little guy to come. I kept praying he wouldn't come before, during, or around Quinn's wedding. We wanted to be able to see Quinn and Brittany (my brother and his now wife) get married with out any out of town birth stories to share the rest of our lives. We made it to Vegas and back with out any complications and then we spent Christmas in anticipation. I was due January 5th and was late with Emree, but for some reason I just thought this baby was going to come sooner. I think part of that was the early anxiety of not wanting him to come and part of it was the fact that I was honestly huge and I knew this baby was honestly huge.
January 5th rolled around and I had a Doctor's appointment that ended in tears and frustration. My doctor said he thought the baby was just average size and that he would not like to induce us until we were closer to 2 weeks over. He also said he didn't need to check and see how far a long I was because I was obviously not in labor. I was a little offended. They did schedule us a non stress test at the hospital for the baby for 5 days later and so we sat at home and waited some more.
The day of the stress test arrived and Tyler and I had decided we were not leaving the hospital until they agreed to admit me. I was not in labor, I had really had no contractions, but I would not take no for an answer. Plus, as any 40 plus week pregnant women will tell you, I was not emotional stable.
We got our non stress test and everything looked great. We asked if the hospital was full - they weren't. We asked how we could get admitted. They said they needed our doctor's permission. Tyler called this office, he talked to the nurse, who paged the doctor on call, who called the nurse, who called the nurses up stairs, who checked to see how far dilated I was, who called the doctor, who left it to the nurses, who finally agreed to induce my labor!
I was induced at noon. My Mom flew in at 3:50 and went to play with Emree. They broke my water around 4 ish, I got an epidural around 4:30. I was ready to push at 5:30 had to wait for the doctor to get out of surgery. Started pushing at 6:15 and had the baby in my arms at 6:30.
Jesse Tyler Andre was born on January 10, weighed 9lbs 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. We all joked in the hospital room as we tried to guess his weight because he was such a big boy! He looks a lot like Emree, but has a different eye shape and not as prominent of a dimple chin.
Adjusting is hard, but Emree seems to like him. She kind of treats him like he is a puppy. She loves him, but is little hesitant to touch him and a little scared of him. I am sure that will go away way too quickly.
As always, Tyler and I feel so blessed. We are so grateful to all the friends and family that we have who help us and love us and appreciate everyones thoughts and comments. We are excited! We are happy! and We are TIRED!

Oh danielle, have we got a lot to talk about or what! Adjusting has been hard on me too. You look great, you really do! You all look so happy and Emree is such a little cutie. Your mom looks beautiful, aren't you so grateful for moms?! I'm so glad she got to be there. Jesse is perfect, his lips remind me of Emrees. I wish you the best of happiness and quick healing. I will call you in a few days. Congratulations again!
Congratulations! I am so glad he is here and all went well. You look great. I am happy for all of you.
Love, Aunt Buffy
Exciting! I'm glad he finally came and those are some great hospital pictures.
Wow that kid has a lot of hair!! I am so happy for you--baby TWO is a LOT of work, especially when the next oldest is so little! You'll be fine in a few months! Hang in there.
That IS a big boy! Congrats! I'm so glad they finally induced you--good grief!
AWE! Congratulations you guys. What a beautiful family you have. So perfect. We miss you. Love seeing what you are up to.
Oh I am so excited for you. He is gorgeous! And I LOVE the name. Honestly Jord and I have been tossing around the name Jesse quite a bit ourselves.
His hair is so beautiful! I can't believe how fast your labor went being induced. What a blessing! Glad your mom could make it so fast. We love you guys! Congrats again!!!
Congrats he is handsome. Hope your all feeling and doing well. Lots of love coming your way.
Love a good, easy birth story!
Beautiful big boy. Good work mom of two!
There is no way you baby is bigger than mine!! She is already 12lbs! He is so cute and I totally think he looks like Em! We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to see ya in March!
Danielle you look so good! How do you not get puffy? Geesh. Not fair. Beautiful family!
Yay!!! Congratualtions!!! Adorable little family you have.
He is so cute!! Congrats you guys!!
I'd say the wait was worth it! He's beautiful and your family is adorable...and we always need more adorable-ness in the world! Congrats!
WOOHOO!!! I'm so glad he's out!! Congratulations. you look great, he looks great. He looks sooo cute.
Congratulation! He's beautiful! Emree looks really excited! You can do it!
I'm sure you are exhausted! Let me know if you need Emree to come play with us. I know you still have a lot of helping hands this week but I am more than happy to have her over any time! Hang in there!
he is one handsome little guy. What a darling family. I love you
Nicole made the following comment...do you think Danielle looks so good because she is a dancer. You do look incredible! What beautiful children! This is JOY...in it's most perfect form. Love Ya...Sharon and Nicole
Congratulations on your new addition. He is seriously so adorable and I love that head of hair. He is just as handsome as could be! Congrats you guys!
He is beautiful!!! and uh.........I don't consider over 9 lbs average size!!! ( smile )
Congratulations on little Jesse's arrival!
Ohhhhhhhh, he's so sweet. I love the family picture where Emree is looking at him.
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
CONGRATS Danielle!!! He is so cute, we wish we were closer too. I'm sure Kaden and Jesse would be pals. Glad everything went well! Cute family of four now! Much love.
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