Now, I am terrible. I just let that skill slip away into the deep dark world of sleep deprivation and everything else that comes from a child like Jesse. If I am going to continue blogging and going to start journaling, I am going to have to do them together. I am just a little too tired to do both. So, here is to my journal blog. It may bore everyone else to pieces, but me!
June 5th,
Todays was Emree's first swim lesson or first lesson of any sort. I decided to sign her up for a mommy and me swim class (politically incorrect I know). Our friend Savannah and her little boy, Brenden, are doing it with us. Ty teased me a little because he thought I could just teach Emree myself, but I thought it would be nice to just experience it with her instead of telling her what to do.
Emree is very very cautious of everything. She is not the first to try anything, or as Ty pointed out today, she is not the second either because she refuses to succumb to peer pressure. We hope this is a trait she will keep for a very long time. She is very cautious around water, mostly because she doesn't like to get her eyes wet. She told me today, "Mommy! I can't get my eyes wet because I can't see in the water." At least she is logical. She did blow bubbles in the water with her mouth and I did dunk her under as she cried. Let' s just say, I hope tomorrow goes a little smoother. Tyler and I were hoping we were breeding an Olympic Swim Team. I guess not. (Side note: she may have not been the best swimmer, but she was the cutest!)
Jesse is starting to eat baby food. For how much he loves to eat we are off to a very slow start. He doesn't seem to love anything yet, but we did start with squash and sweet potatoes. I don't like those either. He loves to stick his tongue out constantly and this makes it almost impossible to swallow. I am seriously curious to see how long it will take him to master this eating business. I tried a bottle today too. I wouldn't say it was a failure, but it was far from a success... tomorrow is another day.
Jesse has been such a hard baby. I love him and his giggles and personality bring such a light into our home. He truly lights up a room and can get a smile out of us, but when he is sad... he is hard. A big part of it is that he is so heavy and hard to hold all day, but also, he can only be soothed by mom. I am just barely feeling like I can handle my life again, but he definitely keeps me busy.
Tyler is smack in the middle of learning all about the brain. Piece of cake! Just kidding. I love seeing how excited he is about each new thing he learns and how everything fascinates him. I wish I was more like that. We didn't see Ty much today because he goes to mutual and basketball on Tuesday nights, but the time that he was home he was amazingly helpful. I am not looking forward to the craziness that third year and residency bring.
Me- I am good. More than good. I am super happy where I am. All I need is a little more sleep and I am good to go. Tonight I got on the floor with my 6 month old and 2 and half year old and played with blocks. Jesse was laughing as he put blocks in his mouth and watched Emree. Emree was laughing as she threw the blocks all over the place and I couldn't help, but smile. Then my heart melted as Emree sang, "I am a Child of God" to Jesse. The love between them is one of the most precious things I have ever experienced.
I am so grateful for the gospel, I am so grateful for prayer, family, and friends. I am even grateful for journaling.
Kids just make our lives so interesting! Don't worry I was a screamer in swim lessons and I turned out to be a swimmer, so don't give up on the Olympics yet!! We miss you guys so keep up the wonderful posts so we can hear all about the Andres!!
I love ur blog journal. It almost made me cry! I love u. U are such a good example to me. Despite having a hard baby and a busy life, u are always there to listen to me and give such great advice. U always have such a good attitude and I am grateful to have a friend like u. Now only if we could live next door to each other so I could experience ur life with u instead of reading it!!!
nothin~ wrong with journaling this way - it's a lot more colorful than the old diaries!!! .... and much more fun~ your little ones are darling!
Danielle, this is fun to read and hear how you're doing. Motherhood is like learning about the brain -- piece of cake. Hang in there. What your doing is so very, very important.
Danielle- you give me faith that I can do anything after reading this! Sometimes I struggle with an extra cranky baby but you do it with a 2 year old! Amazing! Keep up the good work! And I love the mommy and me swim lessons. I swear they're more for us than them!!
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