Liberty came! My cousin Liberty and I grew up a mile apart from each other (or less) and spent so much time together growing up. Having her close was like having another sister. We loved to eat popsicles, play barbies (even when we were too old to play barbies), sing songs, watch old movies, and sneak treats. She just moved to San Jose and is going to be about an hour and 20 minutes away. I have never been so excited. She might even come stay at our house in a couple weeks while her cute husband is out of town. Does life get any better then that!

One of my favorite things about Liberty is her willingness to serve. She even came over and helped me paint my apartment when I was 8 months pregnant and taking on a crazy project. She came with a smile on her face and paintbrush in her hand. She also brought a friend to help get the job done. So, if she has any crazy projects in the next couple weeks (seeing as she is going to have a baby soon) I am totally down with helping! I love you girly :)
so jealous!!
I love you! I am soooo excited to finally be close to you again!! I had so much fun yesterday thanks for letting me come, I am already excited to come again!!
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