There is nothing better than family and sometimes nothing more stressful. I just felt like with such long trips to get here it better be fun or worth it. Tyler always chuckles at me and tries to remind me that they are just coming to see us, but I still have this fear that they will leave wishing it could have been better. This time, however, I really am not sure it could have (except for if my Dad and Kenzie could have been here, but we totally understand).
The BYU game was definitely the highlight. Then I forced everyone to go sightseeing even though it wasn't too exciting. We spent about an hour at Old town and then our sightseeing was up. Baker trips have always been surrounded by were we can eat, not what can we see. Then we BBQ for dinner and ended the day at the Mall. Everyone loves a little shopping, especially when we grew up in a town with out one. Now the day was great, but bedtime was a disaster. Emree seriously lost it and went to bed screaming. Tyler then layed down with her in her room until 11:30. Then he had to come out and show her that everyone was gone before she gave in. Who can blame her, I wouldn't want to miss the fun. Jesse slept through it all in true baby fashion, but it actual made the day that much more enjoyable.
Emree and her icecream

Tanner (Ty's brother) and his girlfriend Hillary
Aliza (Ty's sister)
Mandi (Ty's sister)
Tyler's Dad
My mom, brother Jordan, brother Quinn and his new wife Brittany with my third brother Easton on the chair behind the couch


Quinn and Brittany

We have early church and it the day started out like any other... I slept through my alarm, panicked. Tyler came to the rescue and we drove very fast to get to church on time because I had the opening prayer. Jesse was awake during his blessing, but didn't make a cry or a fuss and that was a miracle.

I love love love having family around. I love the company, the jokes, the laughter, and the love that it brings into my home. I love celebrating the birth of a new member of our family. Someone that they all love no matter what and knowing that my children have a huge support system. I love blessings. I love seeing my husband use his priesthood to bless the lives of our children. And I love looking forward to the next time I get to see them all again... soon I hope!
Thank you for coming from 7 hours south, 11 hours east, and 14 hours north east. Thank you!
Emree has such beautiful hair! Looks like fun~!
Gotta love it when family is in town and they all try to hang out in you small living space!! Jesse is getting so big! 2 more weeks! Can't wait!
Jesse is so handsome!!! I love Emree's hair!!! lucky girl~
what a sweet and precious family you and Tyler have!
Oh i am so glad you had so many family there. It looks like it was a great time had! Jesse looks so handsome and Emree is such a cutie pie. I wish I could have that many family come see me!! We miss you guys, and it was so great to see you!
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