I know I have been a little absent from blogging lately, but I am going to ignore that and share a funny experience.
Last week I traveled to Moses Lake with the two kids. The airport was a little bit of a nightmare, but of course we survived. However, we did have a few "fun" experiences along the way. On the way to Washington our bags were sent to New York instead of Pasco. It took them two days to get me my bag. No problem! I only had a four week old and a almost two year old with me. They definitely didn't need anything that I packed (sarcasm is oozing from my finger tips). Thank goodness for my mom, wal-mart, and a washer and dryer.
The way home got even better though. I had a layover in Portland and I was a little terrified of it. Picture this- me with a baby wrapped onto my belly, a backpack on my back, my purse in one hand, and holding Emree's hand with the other. We are cruising through the air-port when we find a bunch of toys. Emree wants to play and Jesse wants to eat. Against my better judgement I decide to nurse him. Emree was playing pretty well, but I looked away for one moment, when I looked up she was GONE! I started to panic. I had to hurry and compose myself and then look for her. Thankfully (if you can be thankful for this) she just wondered into the men's bathroom. I wondered in to get her back and no one stole my bags while I was gone.
15 minutes later she was putting on quite a show for those waiting for our plan. She was running up and down and screaming, "I am going to see my Daddy!" She was asking everyone if they were going to see their Daddy's too. It was really cute until she tripped and slammed her head into the wall just as everyone was starting to board. So, now imagine this- Me, with the baby wrapped to my belly, a back pack, a purse and Emree in my arms crying loudly. It was a long flight home, but a teenage girl decided to play with Emree on the plane and saved my life.
Oh the joys of traveling with kids!
I'm proud of you Danielle! That was no easy feat.
Thank heavens for people that help others out and little girls that are easily entertained.
im sorry that sounds like a nightmare! glad you made it home in one piece!
Yeah I had a similar incident when I travelled the first time alone with Eli and Dora. It involved soup on my lap and legs (and shoes) after I hadn't eaten all day and lots of vomit and pooh a little later. So, at least you sounded like you stayed clean. :P
It gets better...
Oh and I almost forgot our flight out to interview here--our flights got delayed and cancelled one after another. Let's just say 24 hours in airports with two babies is NOT fun, and when you get into your destination and have no rental car, that's even worse--especially if it's 2 am and you're 30 minutes from an unknown hotel and your hubby is supposed to be at an interview at like 9 am the next morning. Yeesh. At least I had Whit with me.
Oh I wish I could've been there to help you!
Oh my goodness!! I bet you were so relieved when that was over :) You are amazing. I have not yet dared to travel alone with two kids, and so you are my hero!!
So jealous you got to go home!
It's official Danielle.....your airport trips have given you your mother's badge of courage~~(smile)
I felt your pain and panic....been there, done that.
your little ones are darling!
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