We celebrated Emree's birthday today. It was just the four of us and I love it that way! We went to the mall and let Emree go on the toys and the carousal. She loves getting out and about and she loves doing just about anything with her Daddy.

After nap times we opened presents, made mini pizzas, cupcakes, and watched a movie before tucking her in bed.I love this age because each time we opened something we had to open it all the way and play with it. She got a rail for her bed- we had to put it up. She got a doll house from Grandma - we had to put it all together and play. She got a potty - we had to try to go potty (no success). She got a fun wooden cupcake set- We had to open it and decorate away. Instead of making her a cake we let her make her own cupcake! IT WAS A MESS, but she LOVED ever minute!

Emree is always happy. She wakes up happy, she goes to bed happy and she almost always has a smile on her face. The only time she whines is when she is hungry (she gets that from me). She loves attention, even from strangers. She loves to sing, watch Disney movies, take baths, and play with any friend that comes her way. She is quite the talker and of course quite the dancer. We love watching her personality flourish and we are so blessed to have her in our family!

Emree I love you so much and I am so grateful Heavenly Father sent you to our home! Happy Birthday!!
I LOVE that one of her on the rocks as a baby! GREAT photo! Cute baby--Happy Birthday Emree. I can't believe our babies are TWO!
Happy Birthday Emree!
It is so hard to believe, it seems just yesterday we were visiting you in the hospital! Happy birthday Em! We can't wait to see you! I already have list of games to bring!!
Happy Birthday to cute little Emree! So sorry about your trip home. There is nothing more frightening than having to deal with babies and two year olds with no help. It's scary and generally a tad bit humbling (and by humbling what I really mean is humiliating.) Don't worry, it builds character. Glad you survived it!
I almost cried! She's getting so big! I miss you guys so much!
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