We have been busy ...
moveING, welcomING Quinn, car buyING, crawlING, grabbING everything, thankING, dancING, workING, vendING, growING, choosING a school, stringING lights and the list goes on and on.
We are excited to be heading to Denver! We are excited to have to watch Emree like a hawk as she is crazy mobile! We are excited to be in Washington! We are excited to have a "new to us" Car!
wow you guys are busy!! That's exciting that Emree is crawling now, although it does make life crazier. And way exciting that you chose Denver!! Let us know when you move out there, and next time we are there we will have to get together!
I'm so excited for all of your excitING changes!!! I am so happy for you and want to say... Congratulations on deciding to head to Denver!!!
Yay! You got a car. Bet you are excited about that. I miss you guys so much! Emree looks like she's getting so big. Can't wait to see you!
Hooray! All good, good things. Congrats on choosing a school.
Yeah for Denver Congrats!! so fun, i love your new car. The picture with emree and quinn is soo cute. We miss you guys hopefully we can see you soon during the weddings :)
What an ADVENTURE!!! GOOD LUCK! I love watching Emree growING! She is such a cutie!
Cool new car. I am so happy you guys got one after hearing about what happened after you left our house. We are also way excited you guys picked a school! Denver is not too far away and we can't wait to visit you there!!
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