Some people get to have the job they love. Some people settle for a job that will make them money. Ty has his job only for the insurance. One thing I love about my husband is his ability to have fun anywhere, even while moving boxes for UPS. I found this picture on his phone and thought it was hilarious. The next time you get a package at your door, remember the men that put it in the truck! "What can brown do for you?"
Hey, he gots to pay da bills! Love the pic!
Thanks TYLER for being such a hard worker!!! Love you for that and MANY other reasons.
That is a very good reason to have a job. Especially with that baby on the way. It cost $14,000 to get Brigham out of me.
Call of email me sometime I'll tell you what we did for insurance after he was born and stuff.
I've always admired that about Ty too, He makes the best of most situations and doesn't just endure things but makes them fun like you said. Props to Ty. Our Husbands are so kind to do the manual labor jobs. I like that Kyle comes home with bigger muscles. :) j/k
we live in fullerton. i think that its about 30 or 34 minutes from where tyler is from! are you in california?
Ha ha I love it. Tyler really is such an optimistic person! You've gotta love the jobs that get you through school right??
Will you guys be in ML for Thanksgiving!? We will... Hope to see you then...
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