Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Today I Learned That Emree Took All The Pretty

          Okay, so maybe it was yesterday, but I am just typing it now because our internet was down for the last 24 plus hours. Anyways...

      I was tucking Emree in last night and asking her how her day was. This is always her cue to start stalling for bedtime. Even if she has little to say, she starts making up pretty miraculous stories that go on and on and on and on (you get my point). She gets sad when you cut her off and usually ends up crying. Oh to be three. We had read a princess book last night and in it there was some line about Ms. Potts thinking Belle was the loveliest of them all. That really stuck out to Emree and she said, "Belle isn't the lovliest, every princess is the loveliest." I told her she was right. Then we finished the story and that is when I asked her about her day. She started telling me about how beautiful she was. I stopped her and told her I was beautiful too. She looked at me a little skeptical. Then I told her that everyone was beautiful and had different beautiful things about them. For example, I told her she had beautiful lips, Jesse had beautiful eyes, mommy had beautiful hair (she hates me hair). She stopped me quickly. "I have beautiful eyes, lips, and hair. You might need to find something else."

Wow! Thanks Em.


Cassidy said...


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh Danielle, that is funny. I guess I'll have to find something else, too.

Ashley and Blake said...

Love her! But you are beautiful! And what a great mom for trying to teach ur little girl everyone is beautiful!!

Unknown said...

That is absolutely halarious. :)

Lexy and Jared said...

Beautiful AND sassy! That girl is going far in life :)

Kathy’s Korner said...

That is really funny and quite sophisticated!

Healthy Thief said...

Cute child. Thanks for sharing with us.

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MDF Board said...

Awesome pic's
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Unknown said...

This story made me laugh! I love all of your parenting stories!

And for the record you are both the most beautiful-lest!